My Research

Over the past 15 years I have been researching my Family History, and in that time I have collected a lot of information on all branches of my tree, especially my paternal line.  I intend to use this blog to publish some of my research in the hope that I can connect with others researching the same family names that I am researching.

I am currently researching
  • Frankenbusch - from the Czech Republic
  • Lowenstein - from Vienna, Austria and Hungary
  • Waterfall - I am undertaking a One-Name Study into the name.  My own line so far originate from Coventry, Warwickshire, UK. So far I have information on some Waterfall's from Lincolnshire and those from London who emigrated to Salt Lake City. I have not undertaken much research on those Waterfall's from Derbyshire as yet.
If you wish to help with my One-Name Study, I look forward to hearing from you.


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