Rootstech London 24th-26th October 2019

Kadeena Cox I have just got back from three fabulous days at Rootstech London, which was held at the Excel centre in London's docklands. The venue was excellent with separate enclosed classrooms. There were 150 different classes aimed at all levels over the three days and the subjects ranged from DNA to Welsh research and creating research logs to migration. Each class was very well attended, with some being so full that they were turning people away. A number of the classes were recorded along with the keynote speakers and they will be added to the Rootstech website Tre Amici Each day there was a keynote speaker and they were introduced by Nick Barratt. Thursday's speaker was Dan Snow and he talked about how he was brought up with history and said he was disappointed when he went to school and had to learn other subjects. Dan Snow also said that he is now inflicting history on his own children and his two year old daughter...