
Showing posts from March, 2017
After the decision by the military tribunal in February 1940, Sidney was not called up for military service until the 16 th  May 1940, when he had to report to Becketts Park College in Leeds for a special intensive course of training in technical subjects which lasted two months.  In his first letter home, the day after he arrived, Sidney described to his parents what the camp was like.  He wrote: Well I arrived safely here about 2.20pm yesterday and   so far   I have nothing to grumble at.  We have spent most of the time having our kit doled out.   They give a room to four chappies and of m room-mates one comes from Birmingham and the other two are from Northampton. I should think there were about 300 or so of us arrived yesterday.    Becketts Park is a very nice place, but of course it is not as nice as Lyndhurst, and it has ample sports facilities having its own football and crickets pitches, tennis courts, gymnasi...
Over the next few months, I am going to transcribe some of the letters and post cards that my grandfather Sidney Waterfall sent to his parents and siblings while he in the Royal Army Medical Corps during World War 2. When the war started, Sidney did not immediately sign up, as he had registered as a conscientious objector.  At the local tribunal, held in Leeds on the 27th February 1940, Sidney stated My objection is based on religious grounds. I am a birthright member of the Society of Friends. I have regularly attended Quaker Meetings since I was about seven years old. I was educated at the Friends School at Ackworth, Nr. Pontefract, Yorkshire, and i have been a member of the Skipton meeting all my life. I wish to state, however, that I am quite willing to undertake non-combatant duties. The result of the tribunal was that Sidney should be put in the R.A.M.C. The photo below is of Sidney in his uniform in about 1940.