Memories of 9/11
Amy Johnson Crow in an email yesterday, posted her memories of 9/11 and mentioned that we should all write about our memories of that day, so here goes. I was living in central London at that time and working as a children's nurse at Great Ormond Street Hospital. I had been on a study day that day and when it had finished, I had returned a book to a shop as it had not been printed properly. When I got back to my flat I put on the tv, and all that was on was pictures of the first tower after it had been it. I phoned a friend and asked her if she was watching the tv and she said she was as well and we couldn't believe what we were seeing, especially when the second plane flew in to the second tower. We both watched the towers collapsing and realising that the world no longer seemed a safe place. I also thought of a patient, whose father spent a lot of time working in NY, hoping that he was alright. I can't remember if he was in NY at the time, but I do remember that he...