Black Sheep continued...
Since I last wrote about my 2x great grandfather David Cynon Jones , I have managed to find some newspaper reports on him, regarding his bigamist marriage. These newspapers are kept at the British Library in London and they are on microfilm and are not currently available online. The first report is dated 18th January 1911 and it is from the South Wales Daily Post. It seems that David had been arrested on a charge of desertion of his wife Martha Jones, but when arrested he confessed to being married a second time (the first anyone had known), and this report is from his trial at Carmarthen Assizes. The second newspaper report is from the Carmarthen Journal dated the 20th January 1911, and this report details David being tried at the Newcastle-Emlyn Police Courts. This was not the first time that David ended up in the newspapers. In 1906, 1907 & 1909 I have found him mentioned as Arthur Clifford (his alias) winning prizes at the Eisteddfods for ...