
Showing posts from 2016


In 1999, I made my first visit to Vienna and before I went I was given a photo and address of the building in which my grandmother Ilse, her mother Hulda, and her grandmother Gisela lived in. The address is Blechturmgasse, 16/8 (Bellesage at the corner), Vienna. When I visited, I had a look to see if the building was still there.  I can't be sure if it is the same building, but if it's not, then it is very close.
#genealogyphotoaday Day 02, a day late I know, but this is a photo of my grandmother, Ilse Fransiska Felisitas Frankenbusch.  She was born on the 9th November 1915 in Dolní Polubný, Czechoslovakia and died on the 28th August 1994 in Steeton, Yorkshire, England.  Here she is during WW2 in the ATS uniform.  The photo was taken in about 1944.

Memories of 9/11

Amy Johnson Crow in an email yesterday, posted her memories of 9/11 and mentioned that we should all write about our memories of that day, so here goes. I was living in central London at that time and working as a children's nurse at Great Ormond Street Hospital.  I had been on a study day that day and when it had finished, I had returned a book to a shop as it had not been printed properly.  When I got back to my flat I put on the tv, and all that was on was pictures of the first tower after it had been it. I phoned a friend and asked her if she was watching the tv and she said she was as well and we couldn't believe what we were seeing, especially when the second plane flew in to the second tower. We both watched the towers collapsing and realising that the world no longer seemed a safe place. I also thought of a patient, whose father spent a lot of time working in NY, hoping that he was alright. I can't remember if he was in NY at the time, but I do remember that he...
When I first started tracing my family history I spoke to a cousin of mine on my mother's side of the family and was given some photos.  Of the photos, three didn't have any information about those in the photos, so I am looking for some help. This photo, I believe was taken between the wars, possibly in the 1920s at the time of a family death.  The man in uniform is wearing the uniform of the Kings Shropshire Light Infantry.  The only other information is that I believe they are from my Breeze/Williams side of the family from Radnorshire/Breconshire in Wales. The next two photos, I believe are of the same two people and taken around WW1.  The man is wearing Royal Navy Uniform and his cap says HMS Achillies on it.  Again, I believe they are from my Breeze/Williams side of the family. Can anyone provide any more information on these photos?

Black Sheep continued...

Since I last wrote about my 2x great grandfather David Cynon Jones , I have managed to find some newspaper reports on him, regarding his bigamist marriage.  These newspapers are kept at the British Library in London and they are on microfilm and are not currently available online. The first report is dated 18th January 1911 and it is from the South Wales Daily Post.  It seems that David had been arrested on a charge of desertion of his wife Martha Jones, but when arrested he confessed to being married a second time (the first anyone had known), and this report is from his trial at Carmarthen Assizes.  The second newspaper report is from the Carmarthen Journal dated the 20th January 1911, and this report details David being tried at the Newcastle-Emlyn Police Courts. This was not the first time that David ended up in the newspapers.  In 1906, 1907 & 1909 I have found him mentioned as Arthur Clifford (his alias) winning prizes at the Eisteddfods for ...